Friday, January 27, 2012

Bath Paint and Pinterest

First things first... I thought it would be fun to make my kids some bath paint tonight. They had a BLAST! Unfortunately, I only have 2 colors of food coloring, so we'll have to get more next time we go to the store.
Here's what I did... (I apologize... I took pics with my phone and my kitchen doesn't have much light)

First, you take 1 cup of clear-ish baby wash/soap, 4 Tblsp of cornstarch, and some food coloring.
You mix the first two ingredients together...

Then you add in some food coloring... I added 3 or 4 drops to make a stronger color.

I had some finger paint containers that were empty... so i just rinsed them out and poured them in. I gave my kiddos a thicker paintbrush and their "paint" and let them have a great time. I didn't see any color left on my tub after we rinsed it off. What fun... and so simple! All these ingredients I have on hand. :)
A big thank you to who I got the idea from!

Now onto my second thought for today... Pinterest. Are you on Pinterest? I enjoy Pinterest, but I'm not 'heavily' into it as some people I know. My mom has told me that she could spend the day just looking at all the cool stuff on there. I try to just stick with what my friends have posted.
I got to thinking the past couple days about how people are 'following' me. Now, I don't think its bad... I take it as sort of a compliment, that people enjoy my taste on a specific board and want to 'copy' me. I find it a bit exciting to see in my email that people are 'repinning' what I've posted. :)

Now, I've been trying to add the Pinterest button on here, as well as a counter, but I just can't figure it out. I know it can't be that hard as lost of other blogs have done it... but I just don't know how. Any thoughts?

Well, it's time for bed for the kiddos. We have a early day tomorrow. Until we meet again...

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